6 Easy Hacks to Write Product Descriptions that Sell
What is the first thing you notice while purchasing something on the internet? We bet, you cannot simply buy anything before you look at the product description.
This small detail about the product allows you to assess if what you are purchasing is worth it or not. However, not everyone can write product descriptions that persuade the reader to buy the products.
In this article, we will discuss how you can write them to ensure that your product sells.
What Makes a Good Product Description?
The goal of a product description is to inform and generate sales.
When customers feel a connection with your product and think that they know enough from your description, they are likely to make a purchase.
Hence, it is like a sales pitch.
Therefore, a good product description should persuade the consumer to buy the product.
This only happens when the consumer thinks that you have given them enough detail.
It is their final step right before making a purchase.
Hence, it is important to write a good detailed description to convince them to go ahead with their purchase.
However, the style and tone of your description also showcase your brand identity and target audience.
If your audience is young adults, then you will probably like it to be fun and conversational.
This will help them relate to it and likely make a purchase.
Hence, it should be in accordance with your audience. More on that later!
Plus, a good product description should also have an appropriate length.
Writing a line or two may not appeal to your audience.
Though details should also be in accordance with your product.
For instance, a water bottle does not need 500 words worth of detail and technical specs.
A concise but appropriate description and a coherent UX design will result in a good user experience.
Moreover, you will also have to follow On-page SEO guidelines to make your product page rank higher.
This will allow more people to know your E-commerce website and visit it.
So, a good description is also optimized well for SEO to rank higher in the Search Engine Results Page.
A higher ranking is equal to more conversions.
According to E-marketer, while making a purchase, product images, reviews and descriptions hold much importance.
The purchase decision of 83 percent of people is influenced by how well the description details the product and the images with it.
Therefore, you cannot take this lightly if you want conversions.
A good product description is all about writing well according to your customer’s needs.
With this important detail out of the way, let’s talk about the elements of writing a good product description.
Writing a Product Description
You may know that a product description is not only mundane text about the purpose of the item.
That is simply not convincing!
In fact, it is much more.
It is a direct persuasive conversation with your consumer.
First, Know Your Customer
While starting a business, everyone sets their target audience, so have you!
You probably already know what is the age group of your ideal customer.
But do you know why they will buy your item?
Ask yourself these questions:
- What does my customer expect from this item?
- With what intention will they arrive on this page?
- What are their interests?
- Why will they need your product and what do they expect from it?
- What features would appeal to them?
- If they describe it to a friend, how will that be?
Basically, you are making a buyer’s persona.
The age and demographics of your target audience matter but so do these questions.
They help you determine the style and tone of your description.
You can get conversational with the younger audience but also staying in accordance with your brand identity.
Plus put an emphasis on what you think will matter to them the most.
Remember how we said a product description is basically a sales pitch?
Think about how you will sell the great products at your store to your customer had they been in front of you.
If they want to know about the use of the item rather than its durability then talk about that more.
It should make your customer believe that they need the product.
Use Power Words
Using Sensory and power words can give this assurance to your customer that your item is good.
They generate an emotional response plus also utilize more brain processing power.
Therefore, your customer will likely trust your product more when these words are used, leading to sales.
Though using adjectives may look unnecessary and excess of everything is wrong.
However, you can still add a few sensory adjectives here to let your customers experience the product.
These include words like amazing, mindblowing, surprising, smooth, mind-blowing, bright, eye-opening, happy, fearless, crisp, uplifting among many others.
When the customer will read these words they are likely to trust your product more.
It will add to the product’s authenticity and let them experience it.
Therefore, they may think that they should go ahead with their purchase.
You can use relevant but not directly related power words.
For instance, you eat chocolate, but words like crunchy and smooth describe its texture rather than taste.
Though, they will convince your customer to try this smooth chocolate as they can experience it through the copy.
Write Plenty of Benefits
You will definitely include product features telling the use of the item.
However, the audience is much more interested in knowing what it entails for them.
A description with only benefits and no features does not look trustworthy.
Thereby, you should include both features and benefits.
Think about what features of your product will make the customers feel happier, productive and elicit positive feelings in them.
This will help them identify how purchasing this item will improve their life in measurable ways.
For instance, using a scented candle, the benefit is that it is a perfect size as it spreads aroma in a small space.
Highlight the benefit and sell the experience associated with it.
The description should be benefit-rich.
Go in detail and inform about all the features and their benefits to your customer. More on that later.
Moreover, use sensory adjectives and power words with the benefits to influence your customer.
Make it Easy To Read and Understand
Your description should be scannable so that potential customers can quickly read it.
While you should use power words and sensory adjectives do not overcomplicate your description.
It is understandable that tech products will require you to use tech jargon.
Still make it easy for your customers to understand the benefit they will get by using this item.
Add all the details that you want your customer to know but do not make it excessively long.
For sure a 2 sentence description will not appeal to your customers but they may also skip a longer one, hence also posing a risk of skipping your product.
With decreasing attention spans, customers manage to only read about 16 percent of the content on the page.
Hence, you should make it scannable even if detailed.
You can do so by including bullet points.
Your customer on the site is likely to skim through the content and pay special attention to the bullet points.
Moreover, the layout and the design of the page can also make it easier to read.
Use short paragraphs, product title as headings, bold, italics and bullet points to direct the attention of the customer to what’s important and write an effective product description.
Your product page will only rank on search results as long as you use Search Engine Optimization (SEO).
Once you have built your e-commerce website, you should optimize all your pages using SEO techniques.
Use relevant keywords on your product pages that your customers search for.
Use LSI keywords and the focus keyphrase in the page title, descriptions, image alt tags and meta description.
This way your headings, meta description that people see before clicking the link on SERPs and image of the product all have the keyword.
This can signal the Search Engine while their bots crawl your page that it contains the keywords the customer is searching for.
Hence, when they search a relevant keyword, your website can appear on the SERPs.
Product description can persuade your customers to buy your products but eventually, they will reach your product through good On-page SEO.
You can also implement Off-page SEO, Local SEO and Technical SEO so that you can rank on the first page.
Moreover, you should keep updating your page with new content and more descriptions.
Add Photos, Videos, and Reviews in Product Description
Photos and Video are separate as well as part of the description of the products.
It is good to have still images but is even better to see the product in motion.
These elements are part of the product page and descriptions do not only entail text.
You can attach images and videos inside the description as a form of testimonial or social proof.
While reviews have their own benefits too, like giving credibility to the product, you can simply include them within your description rather than separately.
Adding an image alongside a testimonial or review will give a more personal look and add to trustworthiness.
Furthermore, you can tell how a certain time is “popular” giving it a stamp of social proof.
The aim of writing a product description is to ensure it leads to sales.
If you follow these steps, you can successfully persuade your customer to purchase the item.
Therefore, keep these in mind when you fill the description section on your website.