Google Panda- Overview

January 5, 2023
January 5, 2023 Mehr Jan

Google is a mystery in so many ways. You will be amazed by how you can attain information in so many ways. And how it actually works in giving you some major results. One thing that Google works effectively on giving search engine optimization (SEO) the edge it deserves. And that includes its many algorithms like Google Panda.

This is one of the major algorithms presented by Google.

How it works?

Well, the name actually reflects one of the major problems that came with Google’s algorithm.

It relates to how SEO professionals were making use of several kinds of techniques.

The change was done so, in order to shine light on what content should be needed to churn out.

In this article, you will be getting a complete overview and understanding on how Google Panda works.

So let’s see how it works:

What is the Google Search Algorithm?

It is important to know first how Google search algorithm even works.

In simplest way, you can consider algorithms as being a way in which Google will be deciding as to how it actually shows you the results to your search.

Did you know that Google actually consists of what we call a GoogleBot?

This is what crawls the web. And will be sending data back to the algorithm.

When it does, the algorithm then leads to and allows for the site to understand the quality of the pages.

The search terms are also analyzed and looked into. Making it easy for the search engine to see and work out how they will be ranking effectively.

It has been in use for a while now and works in major ways to give you complete results.

The Goal of the Panda Update

It is important thing to understand here is how Google Panda even works. For one thing, it actually serves as an improvement to the search results.

That is through the filtering of the sites.

You will see how it has actually become such a solid part of the algorithm.

The kind of results you get are long-lasting.

And that is because it is actually focusing on the content of the site.

Some may even consider it as being as a super quality filter.


Because the websites which consist of thin-content and poor quality content will be filtered out.

And they will be completely devalued.

Does It Differ from Penguin?

Now what is the one thing you should be knowing is how it actually differs from penguin.

The Google Penguin is different because it is specifically focusing on removing and eradicating certain black hat techniques.

You should be knowing these and how they will work effectively in boosting the ranking of the sites.

Google Penguin actually serves as a major SEO tool which allows you to look at and understand just how the low-quality links will impact Google ranking of web pages.

As when low quality links are made, it actually leads to low-quality web sites. Hence your content creation plays a major role.

That is what will impact and will allow you to see the ways in which the Penguin actually leads to some major results.

So How to Recover from Google Panda?

If you notice that a warning of a Google Panda has come to your site, that means you need to get some major recovery action done.

This is because the traffic to your site will also get severely hit.

They will be dropping significantly to a level at which you can face some severe losses.

So quick action to recover from this has to be done.

It will lead to more complications if you don’t tackle the issue in a proper and stable manner.

The first thing to see here and manage is how you will be conducing a full website analysis.

That means you will be defining and looking at how and why the rankings even dropped.

But the issue here is that with Panda penalty is one which you cannot fix in one go.

What works is when you will be reviewing the website and that is by looking into the content of the site.

Hence the first thing to know here is that the content really matters.

Avoid making very thin-content. This usually relates to content where you are overusing keywords.

They will not be leaving a major impression on anyone.

Improving Google Rankings

The main way Google suggests you can make sure your site is getting a good ranking is by having really awesome content.

Content that stands out- it makes a strong impression and will allow you to make the most of the ranking features.

But just how true this really is?

Does content really play the major role here?

Not necessarily.

This is why there are some leading SEO factors which coincide with Google algorithms that you need to know of and understand completely.

Looking at the way the Google rules keep on advancing, the one thing you should know is that now Google places major emphasis on how your website is displayed.

That relates to not only how it performs on the website, but also how you will be seeing results of it on the phone too.

Google Panda has really worked around these dynamics, allowing you to have a good handle on what matters.

And it is more or less relating to getting your hands on high-quality content.

It comes with organic links which your site will be using. And it allows you to have a really workable and well-performing website.

The Factors That Impact Panda ?

Now that we have quite detailed understanding on how the Google Panda is yielding results.

We will now look into how the quality of a website is taken into account.

There can be several factors which you need to see as to what leads to your Panda update.

This will be including:

Content which actually is considered as being copied. It is thin-content and will be leading to your site getting low ranking.

Then there are negative user signals. This will be consisting of high bounce rates. And there will be lower visit duration which means quality filter will be impacted.

You will also see that there is not a proper balance of how advertisements are actually blocking the site. And it leads to you getting even poorer reception.

Also understand how high keyword density makes a major negative impact. As opposed to previous ways in which content was created. Now you should not be over-using the keywords.

Another kind of content which is triggered by the Google Panda is what we call as spun content.

This is relating to how certain softwares will actually be filling up the webpages with way too many keywords.

However that is not working in your favor.

As it will be consisting of information which is of poor quality.


When we look at and understand how the Google algorithm works, you will come to know that Google is continuously evolving.

And now there are some solid ways for you to understand and see how certain factors allow you to make use of SEO in the most effective ways.

Among the kinds of features have been added, Google Panda is one of them.

It is extremely essential to know how it works.

That allows you to look at content and understand how you might be getting low ranking on Google.

Which means there can be certain reasons as to why your site is not being one of quality.

In this article I have looked into and shared all that you need to know about Google Panda.

How quality content matters, the smart use of keywords and why you should be knowing how several SEO dynamics come into play in giving you complete and major ways of getting a good ranking of your website.

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