You might have heard of this plenty of times- the customer matters. Hence creating customer persona is key to ensuring your work gets a boost.
Probably holds true for every kind of business.
Your business will not pick up, it will not get noticed, if you do not give the proper nudge to it.
Have you ever stopped and wondered : “How well do I know my customers?”
This is the ultimate question.
And it is also one of the biggest mistakes marketers will make.
It is when they don’t consider and put the importance of their customers into the equation.
Failing to do so will definitely impact their work and cause you to suffer in big ways.
So this article is all about looking into ways in which creating customer persona is one of the major elements you need to focus on to ensure it gives great results.
Now let’s start off this discussion:
Why Customer Persona?
This is the biggest and most critical question.
Do you know what your customer wants?
Marketers, developers and product teams fail to focus their energy on deciding how to make an impact on customer growth.
They actually try to get most of the work done by focusing on ‘assumptions’.
And this can be problematic.
You need to ensure you are spending plenty of time in creating an effective customer persona.
Only then will your business- your services and products will be able to grasp the attention needed.
Now before moving further on how to do it, let’s take a quick overview on what exactly is customer persona?
Understanding Customer Persona
This is also known as buyer persona.
It basically means you are identifying the traits of a bigger segment of the audience.
And while doing so, you are collecting data.
This data is very important and essential.
And it is coming from the user research and web analytics.
Why do we need this data?
Simply because it is looking into and identifying what and how your customers are thinking.
Also how do they weigh their options and create an action framework.
The point is that when you have an effective customer persona, it is going to be super effective in actually looking into buyer’s decisions.
What are Buyer’s Decisions?
Imagine this scenario- you have your best friend’s birthday coming up.
You are confused on what to get her. After a lot of thinking, you decide on getting her a family frame.
So you head to the shop and you notice there are plenty of choices.
This makes your decision-process even harder.
You are super confused and then you remember, your friend doesn’t like bright colors, neither she is into beaded work.
Knowing this information narrows down your purchasing dilemma.
And knowing your friend better has allowed you to make the ultimate, sorted and well-known decision of what to get her.
So there you go.
When you have a good handle and understanding on the following, your offerings will substantially be yielding results:
Identifying specific attitudes- when you know how your customer looks at a business and wants to yield results, then it means you will be getting a good overview on how to get things done.
Looking into concerns and criteria- it is essential that you realize how your concerns can be sorted. You also have to realize the criteria which is going to make a majorly impact.
Choosing- it is your job to make the decision process easy for your customers. You need to realize how the status quo is going to make an impact. This actually plays a major part on how you decide on what to buy and when to buy it.
Goals of Creating Customer Personas
In plain words, having a solid customer persona will help you in major ways.
- It allows for you to gain insights and ensure there is tremendous value assigned to your organization’s goals.
- This in turn will allow you to gain insights on what does your customer want.
- And when their goals will assign with yours, a major element of understanding is reached.
- So here’s looking into the major ways in which creating customer personas is actually going to benefit your business in the long run:
- It allows you to develop a great understanding of what your customer needs
- This allows for your vision to align with concrete and practical milestones, instead of working on assumptions
- There is also a great boost to creating a solid product development programme
- This will then be featuring what outcomes you can achieve
- Also make it a point that you will be prioritizing with effective campaigns and initiatives
- It is also a major way of bringing the whole team together to form a customer-centric theme
- This allows for all the departments to align and work towards attaining the same goals
Now let’s look into the details of what goes in creating a strong customer persona
Step by Step Guide: Create a Customer Persona
The first thing to know and analyze is that your persona is something you will create on information which is real-world data.
Also it is implying proper and effective strategic goals.
This will allow you to create an action plan that promises results.
Conducting Audience Research
This is the main key. You have to know who is currently making purchases on your site.
Who is also your competitor’s target and why your social audience really matters.
This will allow you to form an in-depth analysis and ensure your research is yielding results.
Some of the major Google Analytics which yields results is by obtaining data on the following:
- Age
- Location
- Language
- Interests
- Competition
- Challenges
- Buying patterns
All of this works great in giving you a feedback on what works and how do your customers make purchasing decisions.
You also have to analyze your competitors and how they too are playing this card, so to get results in real-time.
This is crucial when coming to creating a work strategy that yields major results for you to make use of and gain an edge.
Identify Customer Goals
So this is one thing you need to analyze- your customers may be either falling under the umbrella of being professional or they will be personal.
Also you need to see whether the products and services you will be offering are actually coming to the potential of making major returns.
A few questions which will be looked into is getting the feedback on questions like what kind of problems will this strategy be solving?
How you know there are results which are holding it back and if there are any barriers you have to face when trying to reach your goals.
You should know that your sales team as well as the customer support is going to win you accolades and allow you to create an effective strategy which will yield results.
There are also major ways in which you can also be setting up streams which will allow your brand, products and services reach the mass market.
How Can You Help
This is important so as to be able to grasp the way in which customer’s goals as well as their struggles begin to align in getting work done.
You should be thinking beyond the tools rightly in front of you.
So this will allow you to understand how the products and services can readily provide you benefits which serve long-term.
Finally it all comes down to creating the buyer persona.
This means you will be bringing together all the information you have been gathering. And through the efforts of bringing this highly important information, you can then create a very interesting and unique customer persona.
This will include details like name, job title, home address, person’s characteristics and traits.
When you have all this highly important information, you are actually able to create a major framework of getting things done.
It allows you to create a very solid framework of information which will make your brand stand out, providing personal information as and when needed.
Buyer persona is highly useful. It can give great results and it is overly effective when you try to create a solid framework for you to get work done.
In this day and age, it is imperative to be on your toes all the time. You need to ensure your company is getting the attention it deserves.
And this is only possible when you ensure that your efforts are generating solid results.
Creating customer persona is one of the leading and effective ways of generating interest.
It is the way by which you can ensure your company’s profile is getting noticed. And what is the major way of getting that done?
By simply adapting some practices which will shine the spotlight on your company and its services, you are able to bring forth a plethora of efforts which will make your company the number one in-demand product and services.
Customer persona has become the need of the hour which allows you to obtain great and effective results in no time. It ensure you have great work done and allows for your company to reach out to the major customer base.